PLN Secretary General calls on Pilar Cisneros to stepdown from politics

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

Doña Pilar must take the retreat. He was late for politics, so blunt were the statements of the Secretary General of National Liberation, Miguel Guillén.

Guillén criticized that all days improvises to the detriment of the country and democracy.

When the government lowers its popularity because homicides increase, because the prisoners increase or acts of corruption are revealed, they let the same lies come out to deal in the wrong way, get followers and radicalize the most faithful, the liberationist lamented.

For Guillén, Cisneros’ attacks on the Supreme Electoral Court are unfounded.

“With humility, the government figures and their relatives must recognize that they were not able to organize a political party that complies with what the law clearly points out,” he said.

The verdiblanco insisted that for the good of the country, Doña Pilar should step aside. He criticized the Comptroller General of the Republic, but had not submitted a single bill to strengthen that important institution. In 2013 he criticized political debt bonds and then invested in them in the last campaign.

To this day, Dona Pilar does not clarify or explain to Costa Ricans his possible connection with the parallel financing structures in Rodrigo Chaves’ campaign, nor his possible link to influencers who served as trolls to attack other people’s honors and insult in the national campaign of 2022. Although her participation has been pointed out in several testimonies, she has not appeared before the Special Legislative Commission investigating possible electoral crimes, he said.

According to the secretary general of the PLN, before accusing, Doña Pilar must be held accountable. All those people and institutions that try to curb the abuses of the Government in Racsa, the deficiencies in the MEP, the lack of security, the absence of solutions to reduce waiting lists in the Fund, are prey to their attacks that do not respect even the Christmas holidays.

When you get to government, you can’t continue to publish. Doña Pilar has a lot of power, but he wasted it by attacking detractors.
not in favor of Costa Ricans. “Dut the adage, works are loves, not good reasons,” he said.

Guillén stressed that Costa Rica must overcome this bad hour when the Government intends to sow division and hatred. It is time to forge hope and optimism, to work hard this year to come in a Costa Rica of greater prosperity.

We have enormous challenges, such as eradicating poverty in which more than a million Costa Rican children live, courageously and intelligently combating insecurity and drug trafficking that are causing deaths and pain to many Costa Rican families and, of course, setting the goal of growing up in job opportunities and developing investment throughout the national territory, he concluded.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in El Mundo