About Us

Latam Reports isn’t a megacorp newsroom bursting with Pulitzer Prize-winners. We’re a motley crew of passionate journalists, writers, and storytellers scattered across the vibrant tapestry of Latin America. We may not have fancy offices or celebrity endorsements, but what we do have is an unwavering commitment to bringing you the stories that matter, told with authenticity and heart.

Think of us as your friend on the ground, the one with their finger on the rhythm of everyday life. We don’t chase sensational headlines or parrot recycled narratives. Instead, we delve into the complexities of the region, uncovering the triumphs and struggles, the whispers and shouts that weave together the Latin American experience.

Our roots run deep: Our journalists and contributors hail from diverse backgrounds, reflecting the rich cultural mosaic of the region. This local knowledge grants us unique insights, ensuring our reporting carries the nuance and understanding often missing in mainstream media.

Humble doesn’t mean small: Though we started small, our reach has steadily grown. From bustling urban centers to remote villages, our network of collaborators extends across the continent. This allows us to offer a multifaceted perspective, showcasing the region not as a monolith, but as a kaleidoscope of experiences.

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The vastness and vibrancy of Latin America is much too large for the mind to comprehend. That’s why we approach news curation with attention to detail. We depend on our network of contributors who share our vision for the old-school internet approach to news blogging with a focus on projecting bold opinions, original investigations, and good dose of muckraking.

Beyond the headlines: We believe news shouldn’t just inform, it should ignite. We strive to tell stories that challenge your perspective, inspire action, and connect you to the realities unfolding beyond your doorstep. We delve into human rights issues, environmental challenges, social transformations, and cultural shifts, providing context and analysis that empowers you to understand the bigger picture.

We embrace the power of language: Whether it’s the lyrical flow of Spanish, the playful rhythm of Portuguese, or the diverse indigenous languages echoing across the continent, we celebrate the linguistic tapestry of Latin America. Our content reflects this richness, offering stories in multiple languages to connect with a wider audience.

Beyond reporting, we connect: We don’t see ourselves as just a news platform, but as a community hub. We encourage dialogue, facilitate debate, and provide a platform for diverse voices to be heard. We host online forums, organize virtual events, and partner with local initiatives to foster meaningful connections and promote cross-cultural understanding.

Why “Latam Reports”? We chose this name for its simplicity and inclusivity. “Latam” encompasses the diverse nations of the region, while “Reports” signifies our commitment to delivering factual, unbiased information. The word “humble” may imply smallness, but for us, it embodies our core values: authenticity, transparency, and a deep respect for the stories we tell and the people we represent.

Latam Reports may not be your typical news source, but we are a dedicated team of storytellers passionate about sharing the heart and soul of Latin America with the world. Join us on this journey of discovery, where every story matters, every voice deserves to be heard, and every connection brings us closer to understanding the multifaceted reality of this incredible region.

Want to contribute? We’re always looking for passionate storytellers who share our values. Whether you’re a seasoned journalist or a budding writer with a unique perspective, we encourage you to get in touch. Together, let’s paint a vibrant picture of Latin America, one story at a time. Please visit our contact page.


Meet our staff

Marco Echevarria

Editor in Chief

Lourdes Hurtado M.

Senior Correspondent

Daniel Villatoro García


Juan Francisco García
