Panama Ranks 87th in Global Talent Index 2023

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

Panama has to work on attracting foreign talent in deficit areas, says Dr. Eduardo Ortega-Barría, secretary of the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (Senacyt).

According to the Global Talent Index 2023, which analyzes 134 countries, Panama ranks 87th in the ranking of the countries that best attract and develop talent.

Ortega-Barría stresses that countries capable of attracting, developing and retaining talent – qualified people – can increase their competitive advantage in the world economy.

According to the expert rather than seeing it as a danger, it should be an opportunity to attract and retain the best foreign talent in deficit areas such as artificial intelligence, semiconductors, nanotechnology, mining, robotics and machine learning.

“Nationalizing careers we condemn ourselves to ostracism,” stressed the health professional.

On the mining issue, the secretary of Senacyt recalled that the closure of Copper Panama is a complex process that will take several years to complete and will require foreign experts.

“We are going to have to close the mine and we need experts (local and outside); we have to monitor the mine and its influence sites for several years; people and their health, soil, water, air, biodiversity,” he said.

The Global Talent Index classifies countries in “champions,” “movers” (impulators), “limpers” and “laggards” (prayers).

Panama ranked 101 in technical and vocational skills, while in general knowledge it was placed on step 93.

With regard to the ranking, for the tenth year in a row, Switzerland is the best country in the world to attract and cultivate talent, followed closely by Singapore and the United States.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in Panamerica