Ministry of Culture sacks 300 employees: El Salvador

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

President Nayib Bukele called on the new minister to cease partners for promoting “agendas that are not compatible with the vision” of his government.

On the afternoon of Thursday, June 27, President Nayib Bukele ordered Minister Raúl Castillo to fire more than 300 employees of the Ministry of Culture.

According to Bukele’s social media post, these employees will be fired for promoting “agendas that are not compatible with the vision” of their government.

“At the moment, the new Minister of Culture, Raúl Castillo, will proceed to the dismissal of more than 300 employees of the Ministry, who promote agendas that are not compatible with the vision of this government,” said the post that quickly echoed on social networks and generated various reactions among users.

He added, “we will save public funds in the process. People chose a path and that way we’re going to take. Bitter medicine”.

Bukele’s order was applauded by the deputies of the Cyan bench of the Legislative Assembly, who shared and commented on the social network “X” (formerly Twitter).

“The promoters of the 2030 Agenda do not have a place in the Salvadoran State. Excellent, President,” said William Soriano.

“El Salvador is pro-life, pro-traditional family, and the 2030 agenda has no place. This is what the people asked for, that’s the vision of our President, and that’s the way that officials must follow,” added Congresswoman Alexia Rivas.

However, the opinions of artists and cultural managers were different, as they strongly condemned the massive dismissal of people from that cultural entity.

One of those who spoke through her social networks was the director and founder of the Philharmonic Orchestra of El Salvador, Alejandra Bustamante, who exclaimed: “And this is how in El Salvador the few artistic expressions and heritage that existed end. My solidarity with all artists and former employees. I’m sure they’ll find the creative freedom outside. RIP MyCulture”.

For his part, a member of one of the casts dissolved by the Ministry, who decided to anonymity, told this media that the government saw the opportunity to use the cancellation of a show that included drags to make the mass sacked.

The same source revealed that among the more than 300 people are more than half of the musicians of the National Orchestra of El Salvador, casts of the El Salvador National Korron, dance groups and other artistic areas.

“We’re out of work,” said the member of one of the casts who disappears for the mass sacked.

In addition, he paid that the dismissed will be compensated with about $20,000. “There are people who, according to their years, would have to give them much more,” he said.

This is in line with the decree of “Special Transitional Law on Economic Compensation for Workers of the Ministry of Culture,” which was approved on Wednesday by the Legislative Assembly, which provides compensation of up to $20,000 for the workers of that ministry who are affected by a abolition of places.

“By the change of administration in the Ministry of Culture, it has been warned that a reorganization of its structure and the staff working in that institution is indispensable,” said the document read in the plenary.

The persons who may obtain the benefit are the employees and permanent officials of the Ministry of Culture who are included in the restructuring, regardless of whether they were by appointment or contract. The staff or interim staff and those dismissed for a sanctioning process are excluded.

Other farewells did not want to give their views, as they fear some kind of reprisals by the Government.

This article has been translated after first appearing in El Salvador