U.S. Congressman visits the CECOT and says it helps the security of El Salvador and the United States

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz said El Salvador’s security policies can “replicate”

During his time at the megaprison located in Tecoluca, San Vicente, the Republican assured that El Salvador’s security model can be “replicated” in other countries.

 We believe that good ideas in El Salvador have a future and can be replicated, so that other people have security, hope and prosperity.”

 Matt Gaetz, Republican congressman

The congressman also said that there is “more discipline” in the CECOT than in “what we see” in US prisons.

“Many of the people held here would have gone to the United States and would have attacked Americans,” something that, according to Gaetz, could have been avoided thanks to the “good work” that Bukele does.

These statements contradict the latest speeches given by the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, who on two occasions has stated that El Salvador is “throwing its criminals into the United States.”

El Salvador “deserves separate respect”

Another of Congressman Gaetz’s assertions was the alleged error committed by the North American Congress, by including El Salvador in the same security and economic support policies along with Guatemala and Honduras, in the region known as the Northern Triangle.

“In previous years, the United States Congress has been wrong to group El Salvador into the same policies for Honduras and Guatemala,” said the Republican, who was also in the country during Bukele’s inauguration on June 1.

 We formed the Caucus for El Salvador, because El Salvador deserves separate respect. “It deserves to have its own direct relationship with the United States that is not colored by what is happening in Central America or neighboring countries.”

 Matt Gaetz, Republican congressman

The congressman who is part of the commissions of the Armed Forces and the justice system, as explained in a video published by President Nayib Bukele on his X account, thanked the security policies, such as the state of exception and the construction of the megaprison implemented by the Salvadoran president.

“The people of the United States appreciate the state of exception and that the CECOT exists so that these criminals do not harm the Salvadoran people, nor the people of the United States,” he said.

In addition to Gaetz (Florida), congressmen Andy Biggs (Arizona), Dan Bishop (North Carolina) and Alex Mooney (West Virginia) arrived in the country and held a meeting with President Nayib Bukele on Friday night.

This article has been translated after first appearing in Diario El Mundo