Trump vows to eliminate humanitarian permits for Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

“Let them prepare to leave, especially if they’re criminal,” Trump threatened in the event of winning the November 5 election to Democratic vice president and candidate Kamala Harris

Former U.S. President and Republican White House candidate Donald Trump promised Wednesday that if he wins the elections he will eliminate the humanitarianparole program, which grants temporary work permits for migrants from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti.

In an interview with Fox News, the Republican also said he will close the CBP One phone app that migrants use to request appointments to show up at a U.S. border-in-arc port.

“I would repeal it,” said Trump, who said CBP One is a soul, but the “parole” is still worse because it allows beneficiaries to arrive in the United States by plane.

Although people with gunshots have legal status to be in the United States for two years, Trump said they are illegal immigrants – they should not be in the country.

Get ready to go, especially if they’re criminals, Trump threatened in the event of winning the November 5 election to Democratic Vice President and Candidate Kamala Harris.

The Uparo grants the entry to the United States of up to 30,000 people from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti each month, and allows them to obtain a work permit for a period of two years.

The program, introduced by the Joe Biden Administration in the late 2022, has allowed 530,000 people to enter.

To apply for permission, migrants need to have a sponsor in the United States who already has legal status and proves to have enough income to financially support the program’s beneficiary.

The Biden government designed this program, along with the implementation of new restrictions on the border, to try to reduce the number of arrivals of undocumented migrants in the United States.

Trump has put migration at the center of the presidential election campaign and stepped up his anti-immigrant rhetoric by spreading the buzz that Haitians in an Ohio town eat neighbors’ pets.

This article has been translated after first appearing in La PrensaNi