Ten Latin American countries reject Maduro’s election validation

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, United States and Uruguay rejected the decision on Fridayof the justice of Venezuela to validate the electoral victory of Nicolas Maduro,according to a joint statement released in Quito.

“We categorically reject the announcement of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela, which indicated that it had completed an alleged verification of the results of the electoral process of July 28, issued by the National Electoral Council (CNE), and which aims to validate the results without sustenance issued by the electoral body,” the eleven countries said.

They added that “they had already expressed ignorance of the validity of the CNE declaration, after the opposition representatives were prevented from accessing the official count, the non-publication of the minutes and the subsequent refusal to carry out an impartial and independent audit of all of them.”

America, meanwhile,He believes that “now is the time” for the parties to “initise talks on a respectful and peaceful transition” in Venezuela, the State Department said Friday.

“Continuing attempts to fraudulently claim the victory of (Nicolás) Maduro will only exacerbate the current crisis,” he adds in a statement.

The TSJ validated on Thursday the re-election of Maduro, who called the resolution “consumption” amid allegations of fraud and electoral “judicialization” of the opposition.

The president asked the highest court to “certify” the outcome of the July 28 elections, in which the CNE proclaimed him winner with 52% of the vote.

The opposition claims to have won the elections and accuses both the TSJ and the CNE of serving Chavismo.

The United States and the ten Latin American countries reiterated, in their communiqué issued by the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry, that “only an impartial and independent audit of the votes, that evaluates all the minutes, will ensure respect for the sovereign popular will and democracy in Venezuela.”

He pointed out that “like the rest of the international democratic community, we will continue to insist on respect for the sovereign expression of the Venezuelan people who on July 28 spoke peacefully and forcefully.”

“We express our deep concern and rejection of human rights violations perpetrated against citizens who peacefully demand respect for the vote of the citizenry and the restoration of democracy,” the eleven nations of America said.

Affirmed that the International Independent Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela“he said about the lack of independence and impartiality of both institutions, both the CNE and the TSJ.”

The TSJ did not give technical details of the expertise, such as the sample size analyzed.

This article has been translated after first appearing in Diario El Mundo