Salvadoran athletes have already arrived in Paris 2024

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

The first was Escar Ticas, but there are already Jairo Moreno, Israel Gutiérrez, Nixon Hernández and Uriel Canjura. In addition, Arathoon is still in Marseille and Bryan Perez arrived in Tahiti.

rst was Ecar Ticas, who arrived with his coach, Roberto Hernández, and they already had the possibility to train at the archery headquarters, in the Esplanade des Invalides.

They are also already in the Olympic village Jairo Moreno, judo, as are swimmer Nixon Hernández, both from Spain. They were received by Claudia de Hernández and Ana Patricia Roca, head and deputy head of mission in Paris. Later they were joined by Uriel Canjura, from badminton, who flew from Prague, Czech Republic.

Claudia de Hernández and Ana Patricia de Roca welcome swimmer Nixon Hernandez.

Three other Salvadoran athletes are already in the competition place, which is not Paris. The sailor Enrique Arathoon has been in Marseille for two months, where the races will take place. This Saturday the shooter Israel Gutierrez settled in Chateauroux, 300 kilometers from Paris, home to the sports shooting.

For their part, Bryan Perez and his coach Javier Castellanos arrived this Saturday in Tahiti and are already housed in the special Olympic Village for surfers in Teahupoo. For the hourly difference, they will watch the opening ceremony on television at 7.30am, as a breakfast.

This article has been translated after first appearing in Diario El Mundo