Property crimes down 20% according to prosecutor: El Salvador

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

Attorney General Rodolfo Delgado also claims that rapes have decreased by 60 percent.

The Attorney General of El Salvador, Rodolfo Delgado, said that property crimes present a downward trend of 20 percent in a year since the beginning of the Territorial Control Plan, the security plan implemented before the emergency regime and to which they are partly attributed the decrease in homicides.

While it is true we still have an impact on property offences, they are reported downwards,property offences, mainly in theft, have represented a sustained decrease of 20 per cent per year… Currently, thank God, the Prosecutor’s Office since 2022 has already succeeded in reversing the number of cases initiated versus resolved cases. More cases are currently being resolved than they enter, all of this is a consequence of the different legislative initiatives that the Assembly has taken to the approval, the efforts of the Police and the work of the Prosecutor’s Office,said Rodolfo Delgado.

Delgado’s words were addressed to the deputies of the National Security and Justice Commission, who received him to give his contributions on three initiatives sent by theMinister of Justice and Public Security, Gustavo Villatorowith amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Criminal Code.

He added that .all crimes of effectiveness, which is the most socially impacted crimes, are with sustained casualties.” The official, who claimed that the crime of rape showed a 60 per cent drop from the previous year.

We have, for example, the crime of rape and you have seen on social media the prosecution’s campaign to show all those rapists who are captured or convicted, have a 60 percent decrease from the previous year.
Rodolfo Delgado,
Attorney General.

The official explained that the increase requested for penalties for property offences, a request made to the Legislative Assembly, is not due to the increase in property crimes. The government, for example, has called for increased penalties for the crime of scam from 5-8 years to 8-15 years.

The purpose of the reform is not because we have the high incidence problem of these crimes, not.It’s because we’re in a moment of relative calm.Thanks to the capture of members of criminal organizations, it is because we must prepare. We don’t have to act like in the past, they were waiting for a high crime rate to start creating the laws, no. We have at this stage to prepare the relevant criminal conditions through the increases in penalties that serve to deter those who intend to commit such crimes – were the words of the prosecutor.

The government has requested an increase in penalties for the crime of aggravated theft, currently the penalty can range from eight to 12 years; with the reform it will increase from 20 to 30 years maintaining the following cases:

1. Taking advantage of ham. or public calamity or a particular situation of offended misfortune;
2. For two or more people: and
3. By wearing or using firearms or explosives.

And adds paragraph 4), which states: “If an official, public or municipal employee, agent of authority, public authority or public servant is intervened in the act.”

The amendments in question to the Criminal Code are still under consideration within the National Security and Justice Commission of the Legislative Assembly.

This article has been translated after first appearing in Diario El Mundo