Panama, among the most expensive cities in Latin America and the world

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

International consultant Mercer drew up a map of the world’s most and least expensive cities for international employees.

Of a total of 226 cities in the world analysed, among the ten most expensive, half are in Western Europe, and Switzerland only hosts four.

While in Latin America there are more than a dozen on the list of the most expensive cities in the world, including Panama and the neighboring country Costa Rica.


Hong Kong and Singapore remain in first and second place respectively. They are followed by the Swiss cities of Zurich (3), Geneva (4), Brasilia (Brasilia) (5), Bern (the capital of Switzerland) (6).

New York (United States) (7), London (8), Nassau (Bahamas) (9), Los Angeles (United States (10), Copenhagen (11), Honolulu, Hawaii) (12), San Francisco (United States) (13).

Other expensive cities include Bangui (Central African Republic) (14), Dubai, United Arab Emirates (15), Tel Aviv (Israel) (16), Miami Florida (United States) (17), to mention a few.

Latin America

In Latin America, it ranks as the most expensive city in the region, followed by Nassau (Bahamas) (9 worldwide)Mexico City (Mexico City) (33), San José (Costa Rica)(36), Montevideo (Uruguay) (42), San Juan (Puerto Rico) (48), Buenos Aires (Argentina) (77), Kingston (Jamaica) (99), Port of Spain(Trinidad y Tobago) (114), Monterrey (Mexico) (115), San Pablo (Brazil) (124), Guatemala City(Guatemala) (127), Panama City (Panama (Panama(151), Santiago (Chile) (160), Lima (Peru) (166) and Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) (167).

This article has been translated after first appearing in La Estrella