OAS Foreign Minister: “Building a new El Salvador means shaping new generations”

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

Foreign Minister Alexandra Hill Tinoco has assured that the generation of opportunities is a priority to “reduce irregular migration.”

“Golding the new generations”is the meaning of building a new El Salvador according to the speech of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during its speech in the54 General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS)which takes place in Asunción, Paraguay.

The Salvadoran Foreign Minister, Alexandra Hill Tinoco, said that building a new country requires that new generations be shaped with “life patterns that shape your way of thinking, with “the common good” as a priority.

Building a new El Salvador means shaping the new generations with patterns of life that shape their way of thinking and acting with our common good as our common good, the common good as their center.”
Alexandra Hill Tinoco,
Minister for Foreign Affairs.

He stressedthat in El Salvador the security situation has improved to become “the safest nation in our Western Hemisphere.” During his speech, he said that reducing homicides and improving security “has not been easy” because they have “Faces with pressure and harsh criticism, both from internal and external actors.”

“When there is a conviction to be on the right path of history, there is no force to oppose or to overcome the desire of an entire nation united to build a future full of hope and well-being,” the diplomat said.

Minister Hill also said, before the other nations, that the government has as a “priority” on its sustainability agendathe generation of opportunities to “reduce irregular migration”.

This change has not been easy, we have faced pressure and harsh criticism from both internal and external actors, however, when there is a conviction to be on the right path of history, there is no force to oppose or that can overcome the desire of an entire nation united to build a future full of hope and well-being.”
Alexandra Hill Tinoco,
Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Foreign Minister Alexandra Hill Tinoco, next to the chancellor of the United States and the foreign minister of Ecuador. / Foreign Ministry of El Salvador.

“Insecurity and the lack of opportunities that for decades were the structural causes of irregular migration are being eradicated,” Hill said.

The Salvadoran diplomat’s speech lasted more than 13 minutes and emphasized in El Salvador it is on the rise “reverse migration,” that is, Salvadorans who migrated to other countries that seek to return to “enjoy the land that saw them born,” in addition to “investing and generating employment opportunities.”

Hill Tinoco is in Asunción, Paraguay, to participate in the OAS General Assembly and this Friday holds the third plenary session.

This article has been translated after first appearing in Diario El Mundo