US imposes arms restrictions on Nicaragua

The United States announced on Thursday arms restrictions on Nicaragua and called on the international community to hold President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario ...

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Costa Rica sees further decline in unemployment rate

Costa Rica’s open unemployment rate continues to decline and stands at 7.9 percent, according to the Continuous Employment Survey (ECE), for the November-January quarter. That ...

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Wife of Juan Orlando Hernández says he will seek the presidency of Honduras

The lawyer revealed that she will launch herself as a pre-candidate or presidential candidate with the National Party of Honduras. The wife of former Honduran ...

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Nicaraguan telecoms must turnover subscriber data to Goverment 

Ortega looking for “traitors”? Critics have no doubt that the dictator will use the ambiguities of the new law to spy on what their militancy, ...

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Protestors take to the streets against Minera Panama

Members of the United People for Life alliance took to the streets of this capital and gathered in front of the Presidency of the Republic ...

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Panamanians don’t trust the future Parliament

For next May’s general elections in Panama, 84.1 percent of voters distrust the future National Assembly (AN, parliament), transcended today. According to a report by ...

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President Rodrigo Chaves meets with newly elected mayors

Topics such as employment, public works and tourism were on the agenda today on the agenda of the meeting of the Costa Rican president, Rodrigo ...

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El Salvador reforms tax laws in bid to attract more foreign direct investment

Former president of the BCR points to “des-stimulating” effect for reforms that would affect multinational groups not qualified by deposits in foreign financial or exempt ...

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Nicaragua’s International reserves exceed $5.5 billion 

Nicaragua closed the first two months of this year with $5.607.1 million, an increase of 160.1 million dollars over the balance of December last year ...

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Panama Canal increases daily transits to 26

The increase in transits occurs in response to the current and projected level of Lake Gatún. The Panama Canal reported Monday that from this month ...

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