This is Zhari, singer who shines outside the borders her homeland of El salvador

The 21-year-old Salvadoran artist is a promise of the urban pop genre in the country. With her captivating voice and sticky dances she has flauted ...

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Panama’s inflation rate rises 1.5% in February

In Panama, inflation varied year-on-year by 1.5% in February 2024, compared to the same month as 2023, according to the Consumer Price Index (IPC) of ...

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Panama Canal will raise daily transits to 32 in June 

The restrictions reached the passage of only 22 ships a day. Photo: Courtesy Panama Canal The restrictions reached the passage of only 22 ships a ...

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IMF raises Latin America’s growth outlook to 2% by 2024

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday raised the outlook for economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean by 2024 by 2 percent, or ...

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Central American companies opt for a more flexible working day 

While it is true that most companies in Central America focus on face-to-face work or combination with teleworking, others have already begun to apply different ...

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Javier Milei announces breakup with girlfriend

Argentina’s president, Javier Milei, announced that he broke up with his girlfriend, actress Fátima Florez, with whom he had started a relationship during the 2023 ...

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IICE forecasts 4.4% growth for Costa Rica in 2024

Costa Rica’s economic prospects remain positive. This is demonstrated by the numbers reported by the Institute of Research in Economic Sciences (IICE) of the University ...

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Milei says that with its reforms Argentina could look like Germany in 20 years

According to Milei, the fact that his popularity has increased and his intention to vote means that “the cultural battle is yielding results and the ...

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U.S. buys more than $293 thousand in Salvadoran goods per hour

In 2023, the United States imported $2,574.4 million from El Salvador, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis registry. The United States purchased $293,881.28 in ...

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DPI agents accused of stealing and planting evidence held in judicial detenttion

The accused were referred to the prison in El Progreso, Yoro, and the initial hearing was scheduled for April 16 at 9:00 a.m. A judge ...

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