Mulino formalizes Panama’s interest in participating in Mercosur 

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

The President of Panama, José Raúl Mulino, formalized on Monday, July 8, in the city of Asunción the interest of his country to participate in the Common Market of the South (Mercosur), the integration mechanism of more than three decades that make up Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia.

“I cannot stop going through a forum as important as this to establish the interest of our government to participate in Mercosur,” Mulino said, in his speech, as a guest, at the 64th summit of heads of states of the South American bloc, which represents the fifth largest economy in the world.

I say yes, Mr. President, we do want to participate, the president added, addressing his Paraguayan counterpart and host of the presidential meeting, Santiago Peña.

In that regard, he hoped that the relevant communications would be established – with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Trade and the private sector of his country, which considered – they have a great opportunity to work on a free trade agreement – of which there was an attempt in 2020.

We will resume it, and as appropriate, you will tell us what is the route to follow, but we do care, for now, a lot to participate in this condition and continue to walk and move towards full integration with the contest of the Panamanian private sector, which is fundamental,” he added.

The head of state, who was invested last Monday and arrived in Asunción on his first official trip, clarified that this decision cannot be taken alone, but requires the support of the private sector, as he heads a private company government.

Mulino said he believes in integration and stressed that his country has the opportunity to open a world of connections to this community of nations, including – important players of the international economy.

Paraguay, which transfers the pro tempore presidency of Mercosur to Uruguay on Monday, hosts the meeting of heads of state of the South American bloc, of which, in addition to Mulino and Peña, the presidents of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, and Bolivia, participate.

This article has been translated after first appearing in La Estrella