Guatemalan Avocado producers prepare to enter the US market

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

As part of the progress made in the admissibility of Guatemalan fruit in the United States, the IV National Avocado Congress was organized.

A series of expectations are maintained by the producers and marketers of fresh avocado, given the progress of the process to export the fruit to the United States, so this is the main theme of the IV National Avocado Congress, organized by the Guatemalan Association of Exporters (Agexport).

Since March 27, when the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), attached to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), published the “Pest Risk Assessment – Import of Avocado from Guatemala to the United States for consumption,” producers and exporters have updated production techniques and compliance with requirements to meet market demand in the short term.

This will mean that Guatemalan producers can export fresh avocado, with the appropriate inspections, certifications and plant protection controls required by the United States in terms of pest management and prevent diseases that may enter that country.
Although there is no specific deadline, producers expect it to be at the end of 2024 or the first months of 2025, when APHIS and USDA disclose the corresponding notification or resolution.

The authorisation of the entry of a given product to a particular product is known to be granted to an external market.

Potential sample
Marco Quilo, president of the organizing committee of the aforementioned congress, pointed out that the United States is the market that imports avocado most on a world scale, and the volume is expected to triple in the coming years.

This event is a contribution to conclude with the admissibility to the United States so that we can make the fruit offices to the different purchasing channels, he said.

The event was attended by authorities from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food and representatives of the diplomatic corps, who toured an exhibition hall

The executive stated that, in relation to the above, that a working table was set up to meet the different requirements of APHIS before and during the admissibility notification process, as well as to prepare pest mitigation measures after the confirmation of the avocado entry.

Admissibility will expand and expand crop areas and generate employment to reduce migration to the United States. In addition, it will open opportunities for small and medium-sized fruit producers wishing to market their products, but to do so they must comply with the phytosanitary requirements set out in the official document, it was indicated.

Guatemala’s fresh avocado exports totaled US$16 million in 2023 and are usually heading towards Europe, but could be redirected to the United States, due to the proximity and cost of freight, some exporters exposed.
Avocado exports continue to grow. In March 2024, we exported 28% more compared to March 2023. Producers, exporters, suppliers and logistics services will continue to work and improve continuously to meet the markets in which we are already positioned, such as: Netherlands, United Kingdom, Spain, France, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua and Canada, Quilo concluded

The themes of the 4th edition of the National Avocado Congress:
* Strategic management of alternation in avocado, through the use and measurement of reserves.
* Knowing the quarantined pests of the avocado and their handling options.
* Damage caused by mites and its handling in the cultivation of avocado.
* Global avocado market.
* New phytosanitary threats to the Avocado Industry.
* Use of biostimulating avocado.
* Managing avocado abiotic stress and its impact on productivity.
* Regenerative agriculture in Hass avocado.
* Challenges and opportunities of Hass avocado for Guatemala and its economic and social impact.

This article has been translated after first appearing in Prensa Libre