Geisha, Panama’s luxury coffee, sets new price record

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

The auction put on sale 50 exclusive lots with a total of 1,000 kilograms.

A batch of Panama’s natural geisha coffee set a new world record on Thursday, reaching a price of $10,013 per kilogram at the annual Best of Panama (BOP) electronic auction, in which nearly two hundred buyers Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas participated.

This is the 20 kilogram Elida Geisha Natural Tower of Lamastus Family Estate (44.09 pounds), bought by the Japanese company Saza Coffee, cultivated in the Panamanian mountainous area of Boquete, which imposed this record price in the electronic auction held by the Panama Association of Special Coffee Cafes (SCAP).

In August last year, Panama’s Geisha coffee set a new world record by selling at $10,055 per kilo ($4,538,19 per pound) at auction, surpassing the 2021 mark.

Wilford Lamastus said Thursday that the Elida Geisha Natural Tower lot he won this year was cultivated at 1,950 meters above sea level and was fermented in a special bag well sealed for two days, dried in a dark room with temperature and controlled humidity.

“I am very pleased with this result, I think we are getting to perfect coffee. This geisha is produced in a perfect terroir. In one of the best in the world. This year the lots were better and here at the electronic auction is where we realize we did things right. More than 190 buyers from different parts of the world were registered,” Wilford Lamastus said.

This article has been translated after first appearing in Panama America