Tax official arrested for eliminating 846 debts

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By Equipo editorial

The worker was also notified of the dismissal.

On Wednesday, the Ministry of Finance, the Office of the Prosecutor for Probity, Transparency and Anti-Corruption of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Judicial Investigation Agency (OIJ) arrested a tax officer named Quesada, who has about 20 years of work in the Directorate-General for Taxation (DGT).

Tax official arrested for eliminating 846 debts

Detention is due to the alleged criminal responsibility of the public official for culpable action or omission, regulated by the Code of Tax Standards and Procedures. (CNPT)

Tax office arrested for eliminating 846 debts.

In addition, the Probity Prosecutors Office and the OIJ raided their room house, located in the province of San José and the offices where it works in the DGT.

In addition, the Legal Directorate of the Ministry of Finance will notify you of the commencement of the dismissal management.

According to the investigation initiated in October of this year, following the complaint filed by the Tax Administration with the Probity Prosecutor’s Office and the OIJ, the woman eliminated tax debts on the platform of the Virtual Tax Administration (ATV), generating economic damage to the Public Erario, because they were debts in collection and that had not been paid.

As a result of the investigations carried out by the Taxation and the Public Prosecutors Office, it was determined that the official eliminated 846 debts, in an amount of more than 462 million colones.

These actions are part of the policy of zero tolerances for corruption that we maintain in our Ministry and that is also promoted by the Prosecutor’s Office for Probity, Transparency and Anti-Corruption.

In this case, the debts that the official manipulated in the system have already been fully identified, so in the coming days we will proceed with the corresponding collection actions and the recovery of the money owed to the Fisco, said Mario Ramos, CEO of Taxation.

The official added that these efforts have been made possible by the coordinated work between the three units, which made it possible to locate quickly, the activities contrary to the CNPT and the possible responsibility of the person involved in the facts investigated. Press source Ministry of Finance.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in El Guardian