President Bukele is the most admired Salvadoran in the country: poll

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By Equipo editorial

The Salvadoran president was mentioned in words such as “Bukele,” “Nayib” and others.

The President of the Republic, Nayib Bukele, is the Salvadoran most admired by those surveyed in the VIII Study of Social and Political Humor presented Monday by the Francisco Gavidia University (UFG).

The study consulted the respondents about what is the Salvadoran or the Salvadoran one you most admire?, being the main “bukele” response, then followed by answers such as “no one” or “no one.”

The president was mentioned by some respondents with synonyms such as: Nayib, shiple, president, albukele and Ortez.

In a smaller way, some respondents mentioned the names and surnames “Merino,” “Claudia,” “Navas,” “Nayib,” “Monrroy.” As for sports and entertainment, Jorge “El Mágico” González and Fernanflooo were mentioned.

In that when people Salvadorans admire internationally, the words “none” and “nobody” were kept in the first place. Underneath Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, the Pope, Miley and Putin were mentioned.

In the survey, Salvadorans scored with 7.80 on a scale of 1 to 10 the confidence they have in the central government and 68 percent of those consulted said they are very satisfied or satisfied with the government.

In addition, 41.37 percent of respondents said they did not consider themselves right, left, center, progressive or conservative. The study interviewed 1,223 people on home-to-house visits nationwide.

This article has been translated after first appearing in Diario El Mundo