Panama Canal Cuts Ship Transits Amid Severe Drought

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By Equipo editorial

Beginning this Friday, the Panama Canal Authority is taking decisive action in response to a severe drought, amplified by an intense El Nino event, that is drastically reducing the water levels in the canal’s locks. This critical waterway, essential for global commerce, will see a phased reduction in the number of vessels allowed to pass. Initially, the daily transits will drop from the usual 29 to 25 ships, as the authority seeks to conserve water in the face of environmental challenges.

The situation is dire, as the El Nino phenomenon continues to exacerbate the dry conditions, leaving the canal at risk of functional limitations. To manage the crisis, the authority is preparing to tighten these restrictions further in the weeks ahead. The strategy includes a stepwise reduction plan, culminating in a transit limit of just 18 vessels per day by February. This stark reduction will see the canal operating at only 40%-50% of its normal capacity, where on a regular day, 34-36 vessels would traverse the canal, contributing significantly to the global economy.

The planned reductions are a proactive measure against the ongoing water shortage that threatens the operation of the canal’s locks — vital components that require substantial water volumes to function correctly. These locks are the engineering marvels that enable ships to ascend and descend between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, making the canal a linchpin in maritime trade routes.

The water-saving measures are an unwelcome yet necessary adjustment that will inevitably slow down the transit of goods worldwide. The canal’s diminished capacity means longer wait times for shipping companies, potential increases in shipping costs, and an overall disruption in the supply chain. The Panama Canal Authority’s measures reflect the growing impact of climate variability on infrastructure and the increasing need for resilience in global trade networks.