Nuevas Ideas secures 28 out of 44 mayors across the country

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By Equipo editorial

President Nayib Bukele reacted on social network X to defeats in key municipalities, such as San Miguel Centro, Sonsonate Centro and La Libertad Este, among others

On an election day marked by a historical absenteeism, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) is about to conclude the count of the minutes prosecuted, revealing that the New Ideas party obtained 28 of the 44 mayoral offices throughout the country, with 78% of the minutes scrutinized.

The GANA party is the next political institute that won 6 mayoral offices, followed by PCN 4, the PDC with 3, Force Solidaria 1 and ARENA 1, according to the site of dissemination of the preliminary, where the scrutinized minutes and votes by political parties are counted in real time. The site includes scrutiny of deputies from the Central American Parliament.

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In this regard, President Nayib Bukele reacted, last night, on social network X to defeats in key municipalities, such as San Miguel Centro, Sonsonate Centro and La Libertad Este, among others. Bukele said he respects the people’s decision, acknowledging that in many municipalities people voted for mayors who do not belong to New Ideas. The president suggested this could be a “pity vote” because of the poor efforts of some of his party’s candidates.

In addition, these municipal elections were marked by allegations of abuses by the government. The imposition of persons not accredited by the TSE was reported on the Vote Receiving Boards (JRV). Journalists were also removed from the polling stations minutes before the closure, a situation that was corrected by the electoral body at the end of Sunday afternoon.

In addition: Mayoral candidates declare themselves winners of municipal elections

The distribution by municipalities is progressing as follows:

New ideas (28 mayors)

  • Ahuachapán Norte
  • Ahuachapán Sur
  • Santa Ana Norte
  • Santa Ana Centro
  • Santa Ana East
  • Santa Ana West
  • Sonate North
  • Sound East
  • Sonsonate West
  • Chalatenango Center
  • Chalatenango Center
  • The Northern Freedom
  • Freedom of the centre
  • The Southern Freedom
  • San Salvador Oeste
  • San Salvador East
  • San Salvador Centro
  • San Salvador Sur
  • North Cuscatlan
  • South Cuscatlan
  • East Peace
  • East Cabins
  • Saint Vincent North
  • Saint Vincent South
  • West Usulutan
  • San Miguel West
  • Morazán Norte
  • The Northern Union
  • The Southern Union

GANA (6 mayoral offices)

  • The Western Freedom
  • The Costa Freedom
  • San Salvador Norte
  • The West Peace
  • The Peace Centre
  • West Cabins

CPN (4 mayors)

  • Ahuachapán Centro
  • Chalatenango North
  • Chalatenango South
  • Morazán South

PDC (3 mayoral offices)

  • Sonsonate Center
  • San Miguel Norte
  • San Miguel Centro

SOLIDARY FUERZA (1 mayoral office)

  • Northern Usulutan

ARENA (1 mayor’s office)

  • The East Freedom

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in El Salvador