New Ideas says it will vote for state of emergency until all gang members are jailed

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By Equipo editorial

Deputy Walter Coto says there are still gang members who hide.

MPs from New Ideas and their allies said they will continue to approvethe derogation regimeWhen necessary, they pointed out that Salvadorans live a tranquility that has no price – but they also claimed that there are still free gang members. Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele said on June 1Gang cancer has been cured.

Neither the legislators of New Ideas, nor the government, in their request for extension of emergency regime, have reportedHow many gang members There’s freein Salvadoran territory.

Congressman Ernesto Castro, of New Ideas, said on social networks that they will continue to vote for the emergency regime until “No free gang members

In plenary, theDeputy Walter Coto, from New Ideas,He said the gangs are the pointbut claimed that there are still gang members at large whoThey hide.

The criminal structures, although it is true they are about to fall completely, but there are still, they are hidden, they have taken on other structures, they are hiding and until we end up with the last of these criminals, we will not stop.
Walter Coto,
Deputy of New Ideas.

The legislator said: “We will continue to vote for the emergency regime as often as necessary,” and other reforms to the criminal and criminal procedure law that are necessary.

TheDeputy Walter AlemánHe also said he was ready to extend the regime as many times as necessary. Of course, there is a need for the emergency regime, he said. We have been able to see the testimony of brothers who have come from other countries, he stressed.

Other allied MPs also pledged their votes for future approvals.

TheRepresentative Rebeca Rodríguez, of the National Concertation Party (PCN)Allied with New Ideas, joined the intention to continue voting for the emergency regime. “We will support the times necessary to carry out that tranquillity that has been kidnapped for years by the criminal groups that were in our country,” he said. He assured that that tranquility of walking in the streets and children playing without any problem, that tranquility that has no price , were his words.

The emergency regime, which suspends three constitutional guarantees related to the right of defence, time of detention and privacy of telecommunications, was27th time on Thursdayafter the new legal secretary of the Presidency of the Republic, Adolfo Muñoz, requested it, reporting that the Minister of Justice and Security, Gustavo Villatoro, told the Council of Ministers that they have had 80,500 captured and more than 630 days without homicides. He said that there are still cells, remnants, that seek to recover their criminal force.

Social organizations such as Christsal and Humanitarian Legal Relief record more than 3,500 complaints of human rights violations and 200 deaths of people captured.

This article has been translated after first appearing in Diario El  Mundo