Nayib Bukele criticises remarks to emergency regime

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By Equipo editorial

The presidential candidate reproached the role of the IACHR in a Space.

The presidential candidate, Nayib Bukele, criticized the role of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) and other international entities for their points to the emergency regime in force in the country, as well as the signing of the 1992 Peace Accords to which he again referred to as a farce, during a Space he made on the social network X.

Bukele assured, at its first public campaign event, that the IACHR seems to have the mission of having countries in underdevelopment with its sentences.

It would seem that these institutions have the mission of keeping us in underdevelopment. If they see the sentences they give it, it is like if they try to have our countries, like the obligation to be in underdevelopment, he said, referring to the criticism received from the international community for some decisions taken during his administration.

The IACHR has called on the Government of El Salvador to restore the full validity of the rights and guarantees suspended during the emergency regime that was approved on March 27, 2022 and has been extended 21 months.

He also referred to the emergency regime, which he described as successful and a pillar on the issue of security.

Also, when questioned about a possibility of reforming the Constitution to endorse indefinite re-election, he said that the current regulations do not allow it, nor does the plebiscites allow in order to seek a reform of the Magna Carta. “It’s not something I’m looking for either, indefinite re-election,” he said.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in La Prensa Grafica