Musician of Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlán Mourns death of daughter in shark attack

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By Equipo editorial

The tragedy occurred on December 2 at noon, in Melaque, one of the tourist areas of the municipality of Cihuatlan, in the Costa Sur region of Jalisco, Mexico.

The young marine biologist enjoyed a beach day with her 5-year-old son and a group of friends.

According to a note on the site, the Fired Civil Protection report of the site details that María Fernanda Martínez Jiménez was attacked by a shark, to prevent the animal from going against her son.

The young woman managed to save the little one by climbing it in an inflatable, but could not evade the attack of the squad that submerged her for several minutes. The minor witnessed it.

The boy was assisted by one of the fishermen who was on the spot, while Marifer was taken out between a group of bathers and other fishermen. Unfortunately, the biologist didn’t survive.

Details of the species of the squad that attacked the professional are unknown.

Esquela shared on the social networks of Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlán.

The terrible event went viral on social networks and on news portals, mourning the death of the young mother, daughter of the musician and representative of Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlán, Ángel Martínez.

The band, with more than 55 years of artistic career, sympathized with their colleague’s family and posted messages of condolences on their digital platforms.

The biologist’s funeral took place on December 4, but it was until recently that her father broke the silence to give details of her daughter’s death.

In a note published by People en Español, it is indicated that the trumpet of the famous mariachi reported on the Mexican television program “First Hand,” that Marifer was on rest on the day of the attack.

“He was celebrating the birthday of one of his schoolmates, from high school, and they went to the beach, on a normal day…,” he revealed. He also said that biologists at the site said that on that day a variety of details were gathered that justified the presence of the squad in those waters.

“The sea temperature was at a degree; there was the cloudy, rainy day. The inflatable caused something, as the environment changed there, the fish saw them as a shelter, and the shark was going after a cardumen. At that time, they saw that there were fish, a cardumen, that I was going through there, and right behind the shark came,” he said.

Although for him and his family it has been a very harsh tragedy, he said that his daughter would have wanted the sharks not to be attacked and rather to be cared for.

“As a marine biologist she knew of the risks that are to be at sea, but, with her proper precautions, you can live with the sea, with fish. And she would have wanted these squads to be respected, not to make an unbridled hunt for sharks, which are not to blame,” he said.

The beaches of Cihuatlan are very beautiful and one of the great attractions of this region of Jalisco, Mexico. 

Marifer leaves two children in the orphanage, a 5-year-old male and a 1-year-old girl. Both his little one and the young woman’s widower will receive therapy, according to Angel Martinez.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in El Salvador