Mulino: ‘Proud to Launch presidential Campaign with Martinelli’

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By Equipo editorial

Asking that the payroll led by Ricardo Martinelli is the only one that will change the course of the country for good, the candidacy of José Raúl Mulino for the vice presidency of the Republic for the “Alliance to Save Panama” was

Mulino accompanied by Ricardo Martinelli, Marta Linares and a group of supporters, attended around 10:30 a.m. yesterday, to the headquarters of the Electoral Tribunal (TE) to present their documentation and formalize their candidacy for vice president.

“I am complying with the submission of the documents within the terms established by law. I am proud to start this race for the presidency along with Ricardo Martinelli,” Mulino said.

The former security minister stressed that the mission is to change the lives of Panamanians soon because the country is facing squeezes at this time.

In addition, he stressed that Martinelli is the one who runs, but he has no doubt that the people will be able to respond in due form.

For his part, the leader of RM and Alianza acknowledged that the process to register his vice president has been long and tedious, considering that due to the doubts that the Electoral Tribunal arouses, Marta Linares had to change Marta Linares for Mulino.

“José Raúl Mulino has been a lifelong friend and in government he did an excellent job. I am proud to have him next door in this enormous task of changing the country again,” he said.’

May 2024 is the general election to elect new authorities.

Legally constituted political parties will participate in the contest and candidates for free office.

Martinelli also recalled that the people are the one who decides and added that the others are more of the same.

He indicated that with the arrival of Mulino, the formula to reach the Presidency of the Republic becomes more solid for the next electoral tournament.

The former governor commented that the people who are going to vote for him and Mulino do so because they know that they have the capacity to change the country.

While Marta Linares asked the Electoral Tribunal to act transparently. ‘I ask the TE to please do things right and not get sick. They’ve been losing credibility,” Linares said.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in Panamerica