Juan Carlos ‘El Tigre’ Bonilla Plead Guilty to Drug Trafficking in US Court

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By Equipo editorial

I’m ready: the words of The Tiger, Bonilla, when he pleaded guilty.

Judge Kevin Castel asked the Tiger Bonilla to tell him what he did in Honduras and the Honduran confirmed that he helped drug trafficking

On Tuesday, a hearing was held in which the former head of the National Police, Juan Carlos, Bonilla, pleaded guilty to drug trafficking.

The Tiger confessed before Judge Kevin Castel that he had helped in the drug trafficking business.

The Inner City Press reported everything the former police chief said at the hearing.

The following are his statements:

Judge Castel: Mr. Bonilla, I understand you want to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to import cocaine.

Tiger Bonilla: Yes, honorable judge.

Tiger Bonilla: This is hard.

Judge Castel: Do you have a clear mind?

Tiger Bonilla: Yes honorable judge. [Yes] I have agreed to plead guilty.

Tiger Bonilla: Yesterday came the offer, I asked for address to God… I’m ready.

Judge Castel: Mr. Bonilla, please tell me what you did.

Tiger Bonilla: I helped with some in the drug trafficking business, amount five kilos or more, I knew it was bad and had consequences.

Judge Castel: How do you declare yourself?

Tiger Bonilla: Guilty.

Judge Castel: I accept your request.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in El Heraldo