Huawei to launch Cybersecurity and Transparency Center for Latin America in Panama

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By Equipo editorial

The company Huawei announced Wednesday that it chose Panama as the headquarters of its first Cybersecurity and Transparency Center for Latin America.

Huawei’s president for Latin America and the Caribbean, Daniel Zhou, explained that Panama’s election is due to its geographical position.

Zhou pointed out that with the creation of this cybersecurity information exchange space, Huawei wants to show its transparency, something we are always willing to discuss.

The Cybersecurity and Transparency Center is expected to be inaugurated in the second half of this year, and will serve as a direct communication platform for the region’s customers on cybersecurity and transparency issues.

Huawei’s cybersecurity and transparency centers aim to increase collaboration with security professionals, government agencies, clients and others interested in these issues.

They also allow governments to go directly to audit Huawei’s teams and solutions. They gain access to the core of these programmes so that external government auditors can review the codes and thus validate whether they are safe or if they have any irregularity.

Similarly, the Cybersecurity and Transparency Center is expected to be a training and research space in these areas.

With this, it would already be four such centers that Huawei would manage all over the world.

The announcement was made as part of a meeting with Latin American media that attended the Huawei Cloud Compass in the Chinese city of Shenzhen.

5G progress in Panama

Huawei’s president for Latin America and the Caribbean spoke about the progress of the 5G network in the country. Currently, Panama, through the Public Services Authority (Asep), is conducting tests for the use of the 5G network.

For his part, the director of the Asep, Armando Fuentes, stressed in April that the country must hold a public consultation and then grant the final concession of the bands for the use of the 5G network to the two operators that are currently in the country.

“I think 5G is very important for Panama,” said Zhou, who added that sectors such as logistics, transport and even the government sector would benefit from the technological applications that would be possible thanks to this network.

Panama has a unique location. “I have said many times that I think the country is very similar to Singapore, in Asia,” he concluded.

This article has been translated after first appearing in El Mundo