Honduran Deputy Minister of Security Survives Assassination Attempt

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By Equipo editorial

The Deputy Minister of Security, Julissa Villanueva, suffered an attack on Tuesday night when she was driving in her vehicle in a sector of the capital.

The official was passing through the Americas colony, near Toncontín Airport, when two strangers fired at her van.

Villanueva explained that he was passing with his assigned staff, when he noticed that his driver made a strange turn. The reason was because they heard at least two firearm detonations, in the direction of the car.

Fortunately, Villanueva came out unharmed and is under the guard of his security personnel. The bullets hit the vehicle, but it was armoured and protected the occupants.

“I’m fine, but I feel uncomfortable being told to hear gunshots, however, I told them to calm down or calm down and investigate because they’re really going to kill me these people,” he told Radio America.

The official recalled that she has received intimidation in recent weeks with unknown messages, this messages increased after the complaint she made where casings of the National Police were discovered in the massacre of prisoners in the National Women’s Penitentiary of Social Adaptation (PNFAS), located in Támara.

So far, the Minister of Security, Gustavo Sánchez, has not spoken out about the attack confirmed by the same undersecretary.

Several patrols and police officers moved to the area of the attack to collect the investigations, according to EL HERALDO after mobilizing to the site.

Attack one day after complaint

The attack on the Deputy Minister of Security occurred a day after she reported that she had been threatened through messages and social networks.

In an interview with the HCH channel, Villanueva said that the threats and intimidations have come out of the same institution where she works.

I’m not going to tolerate anyone obstructing my work and I have a scientific technical unit that works with me, a team of experts who investigate, how I won’t know if from the networks, when tracking the messages, they leave this same Secretariat, they leave this very Secretariat,” he said.

The coroner recalled that when she was at the head of the Interventing Commission at the National Penitentiary Institute (INP), after the massacre of 46 women prisoners, she had many obstacles in her work, as it also happened when she tried to investigate the murder of football fan Wilson Pérez in northern Honduras and in other emblematic cases.

The Undersecretary of Security has not announced who would be behind the threats against her.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in El Heraldo