Hacktivists leak Cosavi case documents 

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By Equipo editorial

The document is apparently part of the millions that hacktivist extracted from the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) system.

A decision of the Sixth Court against Organized Crime related to the Cosavi case was leaked and published on the night of Tuesday, June 4, by the cyberintetelligence hacktivist group SV, which for weeks has leaked information from the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) and other public institutions.

In this document, dated 3 March 2024, the Tribunal orders the search and search of Cosavi. In addition, it indicates that the Prosecutor ' s Office had six days to carry out the intervention of the facilities.

It also details that 36 persons are investigated and not 32 as stated by the Attorney General’s Office when it reported the case on 9 May. Added to these people are also under investigation 11 companies related to advertising, security, maintenance, among others, some trained even during the last four years.

The scandal of the Santa Victoria Savings and Credit Cooperative of R.L. (Cosavi) came to light on the complaint of a company’s saver, who claimed her savings of $50,000 but did not return it. That was May 8 and the case went viral.

One day after this incident, on 9 May at night, the FGR together with the Superintendency of the Financial System (SSF) held a conference talking about the legal process against those involved, accusing them of the crimes of money laundering and assets and defrauding public finances.

The following week, the SSF reported that week by week they would be handing out money-capable for Cosavi savers, increasing by a thousand the amounts. Yesterday, superintendent Evelyn Gracias announced that they will begin handing over, from today, savers who have deposits in instalments of no more than $5,000.

Since the Cosavi case was made public, those affected and affected have tried to get involved with the SSF, Legislative Assembly, Presidential House, but have not been heard. Also, MEP Marcela Villatoro proposed to set up a commission to investigate this case before the Assembly, but was not supported.

So far, the Prosecutor’s Office has only presented 15 captured persons working in Cosavi, but they are not the senior positions, such as the manager and president of the cooperative.

This article has been translated after first appearing in La Prensa Grafica