Guatemalans Mark Burning of the Devil With Anti-Corruption Protests

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By Equipo editorial

Thousands of Guatemalans took advantage of the Burning of the Devil to criticize the MP’s actions against the electoral process.

Thousands of Guatemalans celebrated this Thursday, December 7, throughout the national territory the “Burning of the Devill,” a tradition with several centuries of antiquity and some used their wits to give it a political nuance and protest against officials indicated to try to reverse this year’s election results.

Burning of the devil is a popular tradition and on this occasion we use it to express our discomfort at recent political events,” a devil masker told EFE who preferred anonymity, in the colony of Arrivillaga, located in the center of Guatemala City.

Neighbors of this sector took three weeks to assemble a five-metre-high devil pñata with a female silhouette and representing the Attorney General, Consuelo Porras Argueta, nationally and internationally pointed out to try to reverse the electoral results of this year’s elections.

The young people decided that the devil of this edition had to express the discomfort that is affecting the people of Guatemala, said the man who leads a group of 15 people who built the particular piñata.

According to the Catholic vision, the tradition dates back to the announcement of the triumph of the Virgin of Conception – whose feast is celebrated on December 8

Likewise, some Guatemalan historians link the celebration to the time of the Spanish colony, when large luminaires were made with fire for some religious festivities.

This particular tradition united dozens of other families in various neighborhoods and popular colonies of Guatemala City, which also accompanied the burning of devil’s piñatas with pyrotechnics.

In a coordinated way all the devils are burned when the clock marks 6:00 p.m. and the sound of rockets and smoke takes over the streets.

During this Thursday, merchants offered a diversity of devil piñatas, ranging from 30 centimeters high to 3 meters, others personalized

Thousands of Guatemalans celebrated this Thursday throughout the national territory the Burning of the Devil.

Burning the devil is a popular tradition and on this occasion we use it to express our discomfort at recent political events, he told EFE a person with a devil mask who preferred anonymity.

According to the Catholic vision, tradition dates back to the announcement of the triumph of the Virgin of Conception (whose feast is celebrated on December 8) on Satan, which is remembered with great bonfires and pyrotechnic games.

Likewise, some Guatemalan historians link the celebration to the time of the Spanish colony, when large luminaires were made with fire for some religious festivities.

In a coordinated way all the devils are burned when the clock marks 6:00 p.m. and the sound of rockets and smoke takes over the streets.

During this Thursday, merchants offered a variety of devil piñatas, ranging from 30 centimeters high to 3 meters.

The Burning of the Devil is a tradition of centuries of age and some used their ingenuity to give it a political nuance and protest against officials indicated to try to reverse this year’s election results.

Neighbors of the colony Arrivillaga took three weeks to assemble a five-metre-high devil piñata with a female silhouette and representing the country’s attorney general, Consuelo Porras Argueta.

The young people decided that the devil of this edition had to express the discomfort that is affecting the people of Guatemala, said a man with a devil mask who preferred anonymity. 

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in  Prensa Libre