Construction of skin bank in San Salvador hospital in final phase

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By Equipo editorial

The training of staff and equipment will be donated by the Shriners El Salvador Association.

A skin bank is built inside the Specialized Hospital of Benjamin Bloom Children of San Salvador and its infrastructure is in the final phase, said Tuesday, the president of the Shriners Association of El Salvador, Juan Carlos Otaegui.

“Once the grey work is done, which is inside the Bloom hospital, we proceed to equip and train the staff, the Ministry of Health is contributing through the facilities and staff, and we as Shriners with the equipment and training of the staff,” Otaegui told journalists on Tuesday.

The construction of the skin bank is an ambitious project that was born after the signing of an agreement between the Ministry of Health and Shriners and will be the first in Central America.

According to the head of plastic surgery at Bloom Hospital, Claudia Quezada de Calderón, this skin bank will be important because it will allow reconstruction.

“The skin bank what it does is cover all the burns in what is being located in the area and the ulcers become smaller so that they can reconstruct and graft them,” explained the galena, who added that patients burned with this coverage recover faster and avoid infections.

On Tuesday, the Shriners El Salvador Association, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education launched a campaign to prevent burned children in El Salvador, with the presentation of La Liga de Prevención, a cartoon that will be installed on the 1.2 million computers and tablets of the country’s public students to raise awareness of accidents at home that can cause burns in minors.

Shriners points out that 80 per cent of burnt children emerge from home accidents, and the Ministry of Health indicated that 60 per cent of children with burns occurred with some hot liquid.

Dr. Quezada de Calderón explained that it is not true that children burn themselves only at the end of the year, but every day they receive children with some kind of burns, between three and five, and of these, between about three they need to be admitted to the Burned Children’s Unit of the Bloom hospital.

This article has been translated after first appearing in Diario El Mundo