China complains to Costa Rica over exclusion from 5G tender, says it violates FTA

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By Equipo editorial

The Chinese Embassy in the country said that the exclusion of companies from the development of 5G technology violates agreements between China and Costa Rica such as the Free Trade Agreement and the Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement.

This followed the communiqué on the deployment of secure 5G networks in Costa Rica, issued on 30 January by the European Union Delegation and the embassies of some EU member countries accredited to the country.

The Chinese Embassy indicated that it is firmly opposed to the generalization of the concept of national security and the politicization of scientific, technological and economic issues.

The exclusion of companies from specific countries runs counter to market rules and the principle of fair competition, will seriously affect the confidence of Chinese companies in Costa Rica’s business climate and legal certainty, and violates agreements between China and Costa Rica such as the Free Trade Agreement and the Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement, he added.

In addition, they insist that we look at our heart for the Government of Costa Rica to maintain an objective and impartial position, prioritize the interests of the more than 5 million Costa Ricans, and take a decision on the 5G item that corresponds to the long-term interests of the country.

We sincerely hope that the Government of Costa Rica will implement its declaration of applauding the investment of more Chinese companies, and provide a fair, equitable, open and non-discriminatory business climate for all companies, they conclude.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in El Mundo