Bolivian government agrees to end blockade with truckers

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By Equipo editorial

The Government of Bolivia and drivers from the Chapare region arrived in the early morning of Wednesday to an agreement with which the blockade of the road between Cochabamba and Santa Cruz was lifted, which is again fast.

It was the ministers of Public Works, Edgar Montaño, and of Economy, Néstor Huanca, who led the meeting with the leadership of the free transport of the Chapare, which met three days of blockade on Monday.

At the end of the negotiation, Montaño confirmed that the agreements reflect the same work we were doing. We have tendered several works (walls in the region), they have been shown and translated into a document. On the issue of bumping we will intensify maintenance. What we were doing is confirmed today.

All conflicts, doubts or claims that may arise will be resolved through dialogue and consultation, establishes one of the last points of the document signed in this region.

The most conflicting axis, which generated the mobilization, had to do with the execution of road works, the maintenance of access to bridges and other demands.

The drivers of the Tropic Free Transport, in the face of what they called the government’s neglect, began a roadblock on Friday. Four points on the track linking Cochabamba to Santa Cruz.

Long lines of heavy transport vehicles with commercial cargo occurred over the weekend.The motorists began to circulate in the early hours of this day after seven hours of dialogue between the Government and those mobilized.

Shortly before, in the preamble to the negotiation, the interim president and president of the Senate, Andronic Rodriguez, had advocated for the early solution of the blockade in the Chapare, and expressed concern about the people in the conflict zone.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared on TelesurTV