Bernardo Arévalo Meets with President Xiomara Castro about the development of democracy

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By Equipo editorial

Arévalo also said that, together with Castro, they identified the issues of the bilateral agenda, the challenges and opportunities of both nations.

Guatemala’s president-elect, Bernardo Arévalo de León, said Thursday in Tegucigalpa, after being received by the Honduran president, Xiomara Castro, who both expressed their “vocation and determination to work on the development, deepening and defense of the democracy of our countries.”

“We see with great optimism the future of bilateral relations, we are not only neighboring countries, we are brotherly peoples,” emphasized Arévalo de León in a brief message, accompanied by Castro’s private secretary, Héctor Manuel Zelaya, in the Presidential House of Tegucigalpa.

The elected president, who is scheduled to take power in his country on January 14, pointed out that it was a “privilege,” to be making a courtesyvisa to President Xiomara Castro as part of the journey for the inauguration of the first magistracy of Guatemala, which we will do practically in ten days.

He also said that the meeting was also fundamentally working and cordial, and that with Castro they began to “identify the issues of the bilateral agenda, the challenges and opportunities that we jointly have the peoples and governments of the republics of Honduras and Guatemala.

The challenges and opportunities of the two nations will be better served if we do so working together, and both President Castro and I have shown our willingness to do so, she said.

In addition, in the official accounts of the Press

Arévalo de León won the Guatemalan elections of August 20, 2023.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in Prensa Libre