Venezuela rejects renewal of US executive order

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By Equipo editorial

Venezuela rejected on Wednesday the renewal of the executive order that since 2015 the United States has used to justify a sustained campaign of aggression against the Venezuelan people, violating any rule of international law, constituting a case of collective punishment.

In a statement, Foreign Minister Yván Gil released the position of the Venezuelan government regarding a decree issued since 2015, which served Washington as an argument for applying a battery of unilateral coercive measures.

In the text, Venezuela considers that with “this unnecessary, absurd and hostile action, it is demonstrated that the decadent leadership of the United States is not able to design a coherent foreign policy that is not based on coercion, blackmail, or disrespect.”

“Having had the opportunity to correct past mistakes and injustices that have even reached its own interests, the White House chooses to continue to apply its economic terrorism through its more than 930 measures with our country,” he said.

“America is now hostage to its own policies of aggression. The migration crisis in which so many political operators express concern is only a direct and immediate consequence of their coercive measures and blockades,” he said.

“On the other hand, nothing else can be expected from a Government that normalizes and trivializes genocide against the Palestinian people or is indifferent to the progressive loss of the civil rights of their minorities.”

“The Venezuelan people have not bent on these aggressions and will never do so. His morals, his conscience and constancy are the solid foundation on which he continues to build victories. No matter what the United States does, Venezuela is a country determined to be free and will prevail, I pumtualize.

PSUV repudiates extension of Executive Order 13.692 by the U.S.

For its part, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), on behalf of the Bolivarian people, raises its voice in deep repudiation to the extension of Executive Order 13.692 of March 8, 2015, by the Imperial Government of the United States.

“It declares Venezuela an unusual and extraordinary threat, continuing its criminal policy of aggression against our homeland, by illegally imposing 934 unilateral coercive measures,” the PSUV said in a statement.

“Once again, the United States Government repeats the same failed tactic that seeks to break the morale of the Venezuelan people from the application of criminal sanctions.”

“With this act they only show how involved they are in the promotion and financing of destabilization and economic war against the Venezuelan people, who are preparing with joy for the elections of July 28, 2024,” the text said.

The PSUV, under the direction of President Nicolás Maduro, reiterates to the country that Venezuela is prepared to move forward and overcome the criminal blockade and any other threat that undermines the interests of the Homeland.

“No aggression will bend the democratic will of our people and prevent the prosperous future that awaits us. Venezuela’s sovereignty is unwavering,” he said.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in TeleSurTV