Honduras: 5 National Police arrested for embezzlement

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By Equipo editorial

This action is part of the initiative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office to clean up its personnel involved in criminal activities, as announced days ago

In a press release, the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) announced the capture of five agents belonging to the National Directorate for the Fight against Drug Trafficking (DLCN) on Thursday, December 7.

The detainees, identified as Junior Conrrado Fonseca Rodríguez, Gabriel Emmanuel Bonilla, Abner Leonardo López Valladares, Felipe Joel Ordoñez Alvarado and Cesar Rafael Pérez Tercero.

They are charged with the crimes of embezzlement for appropriation and association to commit a crime.

According to the investigations, DLCN agents allegedly removed weapons in their custody, previously seized from operations.

These weapons were registered in the name of individuals in ballistics records.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office stated that it would not allow its staff in any of the units in which criminal acts are carried out – reads in the statement.

They also assured that any member of the personnel involved in criminal acts will be brought to justice in a responsible and forceful manner.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in  El Heraldo