El Salvador’s exports fell $229.9 million in the first half of 2024

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

The trade deficit rose by 5.4%, the Central Reserve Bank announced.

Salvadoran merchandise exports fell $229.9 million (6.7%) in the first half of 2024, with a cumulative sales of $3,209.4 million, according to data published by the Central Reserve Bank (BCR).

In June 2024, the monthly indicator showed a drop from the same month of 2023. According to the figures reported, last month El Salvador sold $510.3 million, $78.6 million less than in June last year, for an annual drop of 13.4%.

After a review of the goods that the country exports, the maquila continues with the decreases. In the first six months of 2024, it added $98.2 (18.2%) less than a year ago.

According to the El Salvador Exporters Corporation (COEXPORT), the decline in maquila exports leads to low demand from the United States, the main customer of the textile and clothing sector.

Regarding the trade deficit, which occurs when what a country imports from other nations is more than its exports, in June it closed at $4.579.8 million.

Between January and June this year, the trade deficit reported by the Central Reserve Bank showed a 5.4% increase, with $232.8 million more than in the same period of 2023.

This article has been translated after first appearing in La Prensa Grafica