‘Chinda’ Bobadilla bribed JOH with $300,000, according to New York Prosecutor’s Office

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

A few hours after Judge Kevin Castel’s sentence to former President Hernandez, the Prosecutor’s Office has revealed names of narcos who bribed JOH.

Former head of international operations of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA),Mike Vigil,He said Sunday that former President Juan Orlando Hernández (JOH) was convicted of drug trafficking in the U.S. U.S. will be sentenced at least to oneLife imprisonment.

In this context, Vigil indicated during his speech in the30/30, TSi program,that he didJudge Kevin Castelsentence Hernandez, also known by the acronym of JOH, this oneHe’ll never get out of prison.

“I think so ifThey’re going to give him a life sentence.One is enough, it doesn’t matter if you give him two or three. One is enough, becauseA life sentence will never get out of jail“” Vigil said.

The former DEA agent compared Hernandez’s case to that of the Mexican drug dealerJoaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán,who was given a life sentence by an American judge and ordered him to serve the highest-security prison in the U.S. U.S.

“It’s like the Chapo case, who was sentenced in New York to life in prison and sent him to Colorado prison, and he’s never going to get out of there again,” he added.

Last Friday, the defense of the former Honduran president asked Judge Kevin Castel to impose on his representative theMinimum sentence of 40 years in prison.

The latter, arguing that Hernandez is 55 years old and that 40-year prison sentence would be “like a life sentence” for the former governor of Honduras (2014-2022).

Faced with this, Mike Vigil commented that even if the togado grants the request of the defense of Juan Orlando Hernández, the latter will hardly recover his freedom, due to the advanced age he will have by then.

“40 years – of conviction – for a person like JOH who is 55 years old, already with that I don’t think he’s going to get out of jail,” he said.


Despite the dark panorama for former President Hernandez, the Honduran lawyer and journalist,Ecar Estrada,noted that after hearing the sentence,The defense will have 45 days to appeal Judge Kevin Castel’s decision.

‘Here what starts to run now are the deadlines for appealing, I understand you have 45 days from June 26. He would no longer be Judge Castel who will hear that request,” Estrada said.

He recalled that this same appeal was filed by convicted drug traffickers.Antonio ‘Tony’ Hernández and Geovanny Fuentes RamírezHe was rejected, however.

For his part, the criminal lawyerKenneth MadridHe pointed out that these types of resources do not have much future, due to the magnitude of the case and the type of U.S. law.

“Absppellates in the United States are very technical, you can’t go to argue the same thing you claimed in a trial (…) that’s why it’s very difficult for that appeal to have satisfactory results,” Madrid said.

Cachiro recordings with a deputy of the governing party

Estrada also revealed this Sunday that she had the opportunity tointerview in prison former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández, who revealed to him that he has been condemned on the basis of lies by drug traffickers, who have all accepted as truths.

“But among therecordings that he delivered the Cachiro is one, from 2013, where he gives money to ‘certain deputy’ of the ruling party. I don’t know what was talked about there or what the context of that meeting is, whether or not you’re guilty of something, butThat recording exists and I was extradited without evidence.. As part of a political negotiation,” JOH told Estrada.

He added that “you have no doubt that when the wind direction changes you will use anything to harm anyone they want.They already have the perfected formula.. To them.What interests them least is Honduras

Juan Orlando Hernández, guilty

The former president was found guilty of three drug-related crimes on March 8, 2024.

Judge Kevin Castel of the Southern District Court of New York to rule on theHernandez’s sentencing this Wednesday, June 26, at 10:00 a.m.Honduran time. Meanwhile, the former president remains in custody at the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) in Brooklyn.

Although his legal representatives have requested a postponement on several occasions, the judge has refused.

The charges

  • Conspiracy to import cocaine into the United States, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years and a maximum life sentence.
  • Use and carry machine guns and destructive devices during the conspiracy to import cocaine; and possess machine guns and destructive devices to promote cocaine import conspiracy. This offence carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 years and a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.
  • Conspiracy to use and carry machine guns and destructive devices during the cocaine import conspiracy, and possessing machine guns and destructive devices to promote cocaine import conspiracy, which carries a maximum life sentence.

This article has been translated after first appearing in Tunota