Scientist Suing Honduras to Return $63k

The State of Honduras will be the subject of a new million-dollar lawsuit against it in the event of not making the respective return of ...

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Nestlé Prolacsa plant Closing will affect Nicaragua’s export revenues

The closure of the plant of the Central American Company of Lacte Products S.A. (Prolacsa), which has been operating in Matagalpa for 55 years, implies, ...

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Transparnecy Intl condemns threats and attacks by Honduran Govt against local chapter 

The director of the Association for a Fairer Society (ASJ), denounced this Thursday that he has been the victim of death threats The organization Transparency ...

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EU Sanctions Guatemala’s Attorney General for Undermining Democracy and the Rule of Law

The sanctions of the European Union are for actions that undermine democracy and the rule of law in Guatemala. On Friday, February 2, the European ...

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Cardinal José Luis Lacunza found alive but ‘disoriented’ in Boquete

On the afternoon of Thursday, February 1, the Panamanian-Spanish cardinal, José Luis Lacunza, was located in a sector of the Boquete district, who had been ...

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Government took $1.1 billion from pension fund in 2023 alone

The government took this amount between April and December. Experts point out that this is a pace that could be unsustainable over time. Total debt, ...

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China complains to Costa Rica over exclusion from 5G tender, says it violates FTA

The Chinese Embassy in the country said that the exclusion of companies from the development of 5G technology violates agreements between China and Costa Rica ...

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The LXVI Caribbean Series opens in Miami, USA

The LXVI Caribbean Baseball Series was opened Thursday at the loanDepot Park stadium in Miami, Florida, in the United States (USA). He opened the doors ...

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The closure of Nestlé plant in Nicaragua contrasts with million-dollar investment in El Salvador and Guatemala 

Although the authorities of Nestle argued in a statement that the closure of operations of their Central American Company of Lacteos S.A. (Prolacsa), which is ...

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US urges Honduras to elect new attorney general with a qualified majority of votes

The U.S. ambassador to Honduras, Laura Dogu, urged the National Congress to elect with the qualified majority the new deputy attorney general and attorney general, ...

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