Costa Rica plans to become a regional hub for semiconductor industry

Costa Rica emerges as a regional leader by presenting today the first roadmap in Latin America, designed to consolidate the country as a regional center ...

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Russian Interior Ministry to Train Nicaraguan Police 

Daniel Ortega, Rosario Murillo in a meeting with General Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council, on February 28. Taken from the 19th digital  ...

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Turkish company seeks Acajutla and La Unión port concession for 100 years

Turkish operator Yilport announced that in the first quarter of 2024 it will sign the concession agreement with the Salvadoran government. ECA has not confirmed. ...

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El Salvador’s exports decline in January

The maquila export sector remains on negative ground. In January 2024, El Salvador’s merchandise exports reversed the negative trend they recorded for 11 consecutive months; ...

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Honduran Congress ratifies border treaty signed by JOH and Ortega in 2021

Dictator Daniel Ortega and former Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernández during the signing of the treaty. Photo: The 19th Digital.  The former Honduran president, convicted ...

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Air traffic up 7.6% in Latin America and the Caribbean 

In January, 44,7 million passengers were transported in, to and from the region, highlights the Passenger Traffic Report. 2024 began with good wings. Passenger traffic ...

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Grupo AES to invest $236 million in El Salvador over next 5 years

By 2024, $58.3 million will be allocated, of which $41 million will be to improve service standards and $17 million for digital transformation. Grupo AES ...

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El Salvador receives 15% of remittances to Central America

El Salvador received $8,181.8 million through remittances in 2023. El Salvador received 15.6 percent of remittances that arrived in Central America in 2023, confirmed data ...

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Panama’s economy grew 7.3 percent in 2023

Panama is the fastest growing economy in Latin America in 2023, according to ECLAC. Panama’s economy grew 7.3 percent in 2023 compared to the previous ...

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Nicaragua signs up to China’s moon base initiative

The National Council of Universities (UNC), under the control of Daniel Ortega’s dictatorship, signed a cooperation agreement with the China Deep Space Exploration Laboratory, which ...

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