Guatemala port congestion sparks delays

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

Congestion of containers due to non-compliance with the necessary formalities of importers and carriers today affects the operations of the Quetzal and Santo Tomás de Castilla ports in Guatemala.

Both facilities, one in the Pacific and the other in the Atlantic, had more than 10,000 unremoved units stored until last day 6, said the Customs Intendency of the Superintendency of Tax Administration (SAT).

The mobilization of the containers added – has been slower against the same period of previous years, despite the fact that the staff is available until 22:00 local time.

This situation generated long lines of ships, shortages of cranes and a saturation in the temporary warehouses that even overflowed the corridors of these entities, according to reports from the local press.

This crisis coincides with the high season of import of Christmas products, which aggravated it, explained the CentraNews news media.

The Coordinating Committee of Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial and Financial Associations attributed the problem to the poor infrastructure of the country and to time restrictions imposed by municipalities.

In turn, it expanded the business sector, helped slow the logistics chain the lack of drivers (drivers) and trucks.

SAT asked users to carry out their customs procedures to expedite the release of goods and avoid further delays in foreign trade.

Containers that are not removed within 20 days – warned – could be declared abandoned and auctioned.

This article has been translated after first appearing El Pais