BCIE grants $316,000 to farmers in El Salvador

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By LatAm Reports Staff Writers

The funding was given to seven small businesses in different agricultural sectors.

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE) approved $316,000 to improve the operation of seven micro and small businesses (mipymes) in El Salvador.

The multilateral explained that it is a new financing granted through the CAMBio II program, an initiative that aims to promote resources for companies, as well as the implementation of measures that adapt to climate change.

The agreement to create the program, promoted by the BCIE and the Green Climate Fund (GCF), is implemented in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Nicaragua.

The financing was channelled through the Atlantis Bank. With this support, the BCIE aims to improve the operation of the operations of organic agriculture, sustainable fisheries and silvopastorial systems of mipymes.

In a statement, the bank indicated that the beneficiary businesses will improve their capacities for adaptation to climate change, with the implementation of sustainable technologies and practices.

This new disbursement is in addition to two others that were previously made, thus specifying $1.7 million in support of 26 businesses.

The first operation of this program was granted in October 2023, when $318,348.62 was delivered. This was followed by $1.4 million that was given to agricultural mipymes in different departments of El Salvador.

The BCIE notes that the CAMBio II program has total funding of $28 million.

This article has been translated after first appearing in Diario El Mundo