About Us

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The vastness and vibrancy of Latin America is much too large for the mind to comprehend. It is also quite a challenge for any single news platform to cover holistically. LatAm Reports was founded on the basis of this challenge, with a mission of selecting, curating, translating, and reporting on the most interesting and urgent trends taking place across the region. Our publication serves multiple audiences, from market researchers on Wall Street to casual readers on the streets of San Salvador, Bogota, and Rio de Janeiro, to name a few.

After first launching earlier this year as a pilot media project, Latam Reports is proud to announce that on May 22, 2024 we successfully secured new financing allowing us to expand the reach of the platform into new markets, including the launch of Spanish and Portuguese versions of the website.

Along with new financing we are updating our publishing model to provide a safe and secure place for reporters and contributors to continue working without fear or favor. According studies done by the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists, over the past several years, Latin America has been the most deadly place in the world for journalists, with 30 journalists killed in 2022 and countless more violently attacked and threatened – representing a 50% increase from the previous year.

We are committed to supporting press freedom across the region, however, in such a dangerous environment we have chosen to protect our journalists and their sources for their own safety. As a smaller media organization, we lack the resources to provide for safety in exile, to defend against baseless legal attacks, or implement physical security measures at our offices. As such, in the style of the British newspaper The Economist, we publish our news stories with confidence and integrity under the publication banner without bylines. We stand by our reporting and encourage robust engagement with our readers, and welcome any comments or questions to be referred to our contact page for a prompt response.