Russian warships dock in Venezuelan port

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By Equipo editorial

A flotilla of the Russian Navy arrived on Tuesday at the port of La Guaira, in northern Venezuela, as part of a visit to this South American nation.

The first ship to doll was oil tanker Akademik Pashin.

The Russian North Fleet is also made up of Admiral Fleet frigate Sovetskogo Soyuza Gorshkov, the Kazan nuclear-powered submarine and the Nikolai Chiker rescue tugboat.

The flotilla is expected to remain in the Venezuelan port until Saturday.

In addition, the crew is expected to participate in the July 5 military civic parade commemorating Venezuela’s independence.

Likewise, the crew will visit the National Pantheon and the Mountain Headquarters in Caracas.

The flotilla arrived in Venezuela from Cuba, where it was in the port of Havana in June, as part of international cooperation between the two countries. 

This article has been translated after first appearing in El Pais