Panama’s 1st Cardinal has gone missing

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By Equipo editorial

A source confirmed Thursday that Cardinal José Luis Lacunza 80-year-old Master Juan and Bishop of the Diocese of David have been missing since last Tuesday afternoon.

Lacunza was last seen as he left the bishopric’s headquarters, where his residence is located.

Last Tuesday a white Nissan Xtain left in his car and his whereabouts have since been unknown.

The alarms about his absence were given, as the cardinal did not attend several religious activities he had on his daily agenda.

Lacunza planned to hold Mass in honor of Don Bosco, the daily Mass in St. Joseph’s Cathedral of David and also had previously coordinated meetings with some Catholic groups.

The source confirmed that the authorities of the province alerted the authorities in the province of Chiriquí to the disappearance of the cardinal.

It was known that the security agencies have initiated operations that can find the whereabouts of Cardinal José Luis Lacunza.

“Ask the population to pray that you can have news and it can appear… it is something that has hit us a lot,” said Monsignor Rafael Valdivieso.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in Pan America