Zu Clemente, Miss Honduras, is a Rising Star

Zuheilyn Clemente, Miss Honduras Universe 2023, has signed a new episode in the brightest story that is remembered by the national beauty ambassadors in grand ...

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Coffee Growers ‘Left in Lurch’ Amid Collapse of Mercon Coffee Group

Although it has been a week since CISA Exportier closed its doors, following the bankruptcy declaration of its parent company, Mercon Coffee Group, collection centers ...

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Public Employees Forced to Vote Ortega ‘Most Influential Latin American Leader’ in Sputnik Mundo Poll

Votes won by coercion keep the dictator as the “most influential Latin American leader in the region” in 2023 poll. The dictatorship of Daniel Ortega ...

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Panama prepares for arbitration amid mine closure

The Government is making progress in a process of environmental audits and technical processes for the closure of the mine; environmental lawyer makes some points. ...

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Prosecutor’s Office Seek to force former CSJ president to return Over $230,000 to the state

The former president of the CSJ and his spouse were sentenced to return $230,873.77 to the state. However, according to the FGR, the restitution of ...

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MP requests Revoking immunity of TSE judge Blanca Alfaro

Feci notes that Judge Blanca Alfaro allegedly committed two crimes during the proceedings of the MP at the TSE headquarters. On Thursday, December 14, the ...

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Cadexco reports 17% growth this year

Exports would add up to more than $30 billion by 2024 Export sales grew in October by about 17% and this makes the sector expect ...

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Ortega gives new ‘plenary powers’ to son Laurean to sign agreements 

The dictator Daniel Ortega granted “plenary power” his son Laureano Ortega Murillo, to act – on behalf of the government, in the signing of cooperation ...

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Don Omar and Daddy Yankee End Longtime Feud

Don Omar revealed that he was left with the desire to have a last round with a great opponent like Daddy Yankee We will see ...

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European Parliament proposes to freeze assets of Guatemalan Prosecutors and Judge

A joint motion for a resolution was tabled by the European Parliament on the attempted coup d’état in Guatemala in which it calls on the ...

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