Public Prosecutor’s Office to investigate Matheu’s corruption Allegations

A new line of inquiry against the Sesal will be open from next Monday. José Manuel Matheu would be summoned to support the complaints he ...

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Emberas on a war footing for land titles

Although the Emberá Wounaan people have the floor of the Ministry of Energy that there is no oil concession or contract signed with the Sinclair ...

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Nayib Bukele criticises remarks to emergency regime

The presidential candidate reproached the role of the IACHR in a Space. The presidential candidate, Nayib Bukele, criticized the role of the Inter-American Court of ...

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Costa Rica Ends 2023 with Record 907 homicides

Costa Rica closed 2023 with the historical figure of 907 homicides, an increase of 38.6% compared to 654 in the same period of 2022, the ...

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Costa Rica signs agreement with Microsoft to boost technological and digital innovation

Costa Rica and Microsoft announced Wednesday the signing of a memorandum of understanding that will allow to modernize and improve government services, as well as ...

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Government Dips Into Pension Fund for $334M

Patricio Pineda, of the Labour Bureau for a Dignified Pension, notes that the government has taken more than necessary from the pension fund to pay ...

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Foreign investment Under Bukele Plummets to 44% of Sanchez Cerén’s

Experts point to legal uncertainty and lack of public policies beyond the Bitcoin’s commitment to the main factors of the fall in Foreign Direct Investment ...

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El Salvador Secures more debt with interest rates Over 9 percent

The money that the Salvadoran government is lending locally is becoming increasingly expensive. According to data from the Ministry of Finance, debt placed at rates ...

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Honduran Defense Official guarantees elections in 2025, rules out coup 

The Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces (FF. AA.), Roosevelt Hernández said there will be no coup d’état against the ...

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Nicaraguan Social Security faces financial crisis

The official goals are clear, for the eleventh consecutive year the finances of the Nicaraguan Social Security Institute (INSS) will close with a financial gap, ...

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