Bolivian President denounces apparent attempted coup

Fears seized the population after heavily armed tanks and military raided the headquarters of the Government of Bolivia under the command of Zuñiga. Fears seized ...

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JOH is sentenced to 45 years in prison in New York for drug trafficking 

The former president of Honduras was singled out to favor corruption and has been sentenced for participating in the transfer of 400 tons of cocaine ...

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Venezuela turns to dark fleet to supply oil to Cuba

Venezuela’s state oil company, PDVSA, has begun using tankers sailing off the radar to supply its closest political ally, Cuba, as the fleet of state ...

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Nicaaragua’s economy is slowing down: GDP growth for Q1 was 3.7%

Nicaragua’s economy is slowing: GDP grew 3.7% in the first quarter These are the activities that are contributing to growth and the ones that are ...

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Military veterans block roads in Guatemala 

Several parts of the country are blocked on Wednesday, June 26 by veteran military personnel calling for payment. The Association of Military Veterans of Green ...

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‘Chinda’ Bobadilla bribed JOH with $300,000, according to New York Prosecutor’s Office

A few hours after Judge Kevin Castel’s sentence to former President Hernandez, the Prosecutor’s Office has revealed names of narcos who bribed JOH. Former head ...

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Former President of Honduras awaits sentence with life imprisonment on the horizon

A popular jury found him guilty on 8 March of three counts of drug and arms trafficking, which may lead to a life sentence, such ...

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El Salvador’s ICT exports up nearly 10% in May

Guatemala and Nicaragua are the main buyers of El Salvador’s technology goods. Exports of information and communication technology (ICT) goods in El Salvador grew by ...

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El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras agree on regional plan against crime

The three countries signed a biometric cooperation agreement, exchange information and will conduct joint operations to combat drug trafficking, arms trafficking, trafficking and illicit trafficking ...

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Central American presidents will meet on Thursday, but are unlikely to elect new SICA secretary

The meeting will host Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and experts see unlikely that the election of the official proposed Ortega will be addressed. It was seven months ...

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