More LATAM companies hiring and firing with AI

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By Equipo editorial

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing selection processes, impacting the scope of human resources areas.

The Work Book, an ebook produced by Michael Page in partnership with Great Place to Work, indicates that only 3 out of 10 companies have this strategy established in their recruitment processes, allowing them to set diversity goals through artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing selection processes, impacting the scope of human resources areas and their response times. One of the most relevant aspects is the possibility of analyzing a large volume of leaves of life, finding matches between the soft and technical skills required by the position and described in the curriculum. In this way, it makes the first phase of pre-selection more successful, faster and more segoyless, said María Gabriela Fábrega, Manager of Michael Page Panama and Central America.

With these tools, recruitment teams can have more qualified candidates and verify relevant aspects such as the cultural match of profile and organization, mastery of a second language and soft skills.

Fábrega said the integration of artificial intelligence improves the experience of candidates during the selection process as chatbots can interact with online candidates to answer frequently asked questions, provide updates on the status of their request and provide information about the company’s culture and values.

This helps candidates feel more informed and compromised during the selection process, he added.

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The Work Book highlighted that about 98% of Fortune 500 companies are relying on this technology to accelerate their recruitment processes. The ebook also cites a study by iCIMS, a cloud-based recruitment and human resources software company.

The research points out that 47 per cent of companies already have some type of technology that helps them reduce unconscious biases in selection processes. And of the remaining 53 percent, a third have plans to do so.

However, it is clear that the use of this technology is a challenge that must be taken responsibly because it does not eliminate human intervention, only to seek to facilitate the arrival of more candidates and that the filters of the early stages occur in a shorter time.

The Work Book indicates that it is important to take three aspects into account to keep this tool in its right place. First of all, it is important to understand that AI is not standardized. That is, there is no universally accepted definition of how its impact is measured.

This can lead to different evaluators using different criteria and methodologies, making it difficult to compare and objective evaluation of candidates.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in Pan America