Ministry of the Interior eliminates 15 more NGOs 

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By Equipo editorial

The Ministry of the Interior (Mint), under the control of Daniel Ortega’s dictatorship, cancelled 15 other non-profit organizations (OSFL/NGO), two of them for voluntary “dissolution,” according to ministerial agreements published on Tuesday, March 5 in the official newspaper La Gaceta.

Since the beginning of 2024, the Mint has been cancelling NGOs at a weekly rate, in different quotas. This year there are already 87 agencies cancelled that way. Since 2018, more than 3,500 NGOs have been cancelled, according to the counting of Nicaraguan organizations working in exile.

Ministerial Agreement 16-2024-OSFL cancels the following 13 NGOs:

1- Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation.

2- National Association of Sorgorge Producers.

3- Evangelistic Association God Strong.

4- Association Nicaraguan Camera of Real Estate Corridors.

5- Association of Cottoners and Farmers of the Department of León.

6- Association Ministry of the Evangelist and Community.

7- Chamber of Commerce and Services of the Department of Chinandega.

8- Foundation for Social Development Bethlehem.

9- Fundación Grupo de Mujeres Sacuanjoche.

10- Institute Jesus Divine Worker.

11- Sisters of Charity-Nicaragua Foundation.

12- Chontal Livestock Association.

13- United Foundation to Help the Needy.

According to the cancellation agreement, these 13 organizations were cancelled for “fulfilment of their obligations,” did not report their financial statements for periods of between 2 and 26 years as fiscal periods, had their boards expired and were lacking in transparency in the administration of funds.

Read more: Ministry of the Interior cancels a university and the Nicaraguan Scouts Association

As usual, the Ministry of the Interior delegated to the Office of the Attorney-General of the Republic to carry out the transfer of the movable and immovable property of the cancelled NGOs, which for critics means confiscation.

Voluntary dissolution

Ministerial Agreement 17-2024-OSFL cancels the following 2 NGOs for voluntary member dissolution:

1- Association Pro-g welfare and quality of life to Families with Children, Disabled girls In your Shoes.

2- Center for Studies and Promotion for Inhabiting.

Cancellations began with nine NGOs in 2018, amid armed repression of civil protests. These first cancelled NGOs were represented by opponents and/or critics of Daniel Ortega’s regime.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in La Prensa NI