Maduro warns of far-right violence

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By Equipo editorial

Venezuela’s president, Nicolas Maduro, warned Monday that the far right seeks to implant scenarios of violence similar to those that occurred in 2014 and 2017 with the guarimbas.

During his program Con Maduro, the head of state recalled the murder of the young Orlando Figuera, who suffered “first and second-degree burns by a violent mob.”

“Orlando Figuera became a symbol of a hate crime of fascism; 2017, on a day like today, they called for that hatred. That is the hatred they want to bring back to Venezuela, that we face and kill ourselves by Venezuelans against each other. They have aroused this hatred of violence in sectors and it is the main bet that the extreme right makes in Venezuela,” he warned.

The president told the Venezuelan people that it is necessary to take care of peace and that, in the face of hatred, “cultivating love, coexistence, solidarity, tolerance, respect.”

“Criminals like Orlando Figuera’s can’t be repeated anymore. You can’t come back, you can’t go back with your fascism, you can’t go back to your hatred anymore,” he said.

In this regard, he called on King Felipe VI and the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, to request them to hand over those involved in the Figuera death to the Justice of the South American country and thus be tried for the fact.

“The Office of the Attorney-General of the Republic has requested them multiple times. I ask the head of state, the head of government and the judicial authorities of Spain to hand over to the Venezuelan justice system the fascists who burned alive and murdered Orlando Figuera,” he said.

On the other hand, the Venezuelan Executive responded to comments made by some opposition candidates, in the run-up to the presidential elections on July 28, stating that in election times they try to put on a disguise of dialogue, they put on a costume of forgiving life, they put on a democrat’s costume.

“Let’s find out who wears the costume. Who of them has the capacity to take the reins of the country? “I ask, who of them has the capacity and a true government program for the people?” he questioned.

He also confirmed that the paws that are upset against Maduro know that Maduro is not a weak, manipulable man, puppet of anyone, because they know that this man who is here forged himself in the struggles, had Hugo Chávez as a teacher.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s victory in Mexico

The president also spoke about the overwhelming victory of Mexico’s elected president, who went to the elections for the coalition Follow Making History, Claudia Sheinbaum.

“It was an overwhelming triumph, Mexico’s left crushed the extremist right and guaranteed with a swearing triumph the peace of Mexico,” he said, saying that “Mexico’s triumph marks a progressive left-wing and advancing course of the forces we want for the future of Latin America and the Caribbean. It’s a great triumph.’

This article has been translated after first appearing in TeleSurTV